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Topics: power

EDP is a partner in the first European robot center in offshore wind farms
The European Atlantis center will be in Viana do Castelo and involves an investment of 8.5 million euros. It is coordinated by INESC TEC, and has EDP (NEW - Center For New Energy Technologies) as its main partner.
Jan 16, 2020 by edp.com
World News
How the humble chairlift could revolutionize renewable energy

What do you see when you imagine a zero-carbon future? Electric buses zipping by? Rolling hills covered with solar panels? Offshore wind farms towering over the sea? If batteries are part of your vision, good thinking. But there's a promising, if whimsical, piece of the renewable energy puzzle that might be missing from your mental picture: the world of gravity energy storage.

Nov 23, 2019 by Emily Pontecorvo
Green Tech News
A Ridiculously Huge New Solar Farm Just Came Online in China

The Chinese economy has suffered as a result of the pandemic, but one sector that's forging full-steam ahead is energy. Last week saw the opening of a massive new solar farm -the second-largest in the world-in the northwest province of Qinghai.

Oct 10, 2020 by Vanessa Bates Ramirez
World News

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