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Topics: energy-storage

Why Vanadium Flow Batteries May Be The Future Of Utility-Scale Energy Storage

Earlier this year, the California Energy Commission (CEC) published a $20 million solicitation to fund research projects for the deployment of long-duration energy storage. The objective was to develop a clear understanding of the role that long-duration energy storage (10 hours or greater) can play in helping to meet the state's mandates to decarbonize the electricity sector by 2045.

Oct 28, 2020 by Robert Rapier via Forbes
Renewables Blogs
New Energy Storage "Water Battery" Breakthrough: Look Ma, No Underground Powerhouse

Clean Power For all the excitement over the next big thing in lithium-ion batteries, the simple fact is that plain old water is the only large scale, long duration energy storage medium available today in the US and in many other parts of the world.

Aug 25, 2020 by Tina Casey
Green Tech News
The Rising Popularity of Energy Storage as a Service

As energy storage becomes an increasingly critical element of the modern grid, a wide range of business models are available on the market. Energy storage as a service (ESaaS), in particular, is gaining traction among service providers.

Dec 06, 2019 by Ricardo Rodriguez via Forbes (Navigant Research)
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