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Notary Toolset - Why EnergyChain

Notary Toolset

The EnergyChain Notary Toolset is a component of the Data Marketplace and the Cashback 4 Data Program. The notary toolset allows data to be entered into the Data Marketplace archives and then accessed, for a fee. EnergyChain is specially-built to allow very cheap data notary of energy, building performance, and appliance datasets, taking advantage of the fact that it is a private network with no "proof-of-work" mining, where data bloat can be controlled via custom smart-contract and on-chain logic implementations.

Come to this page for information and tools, to securely upload and notarize your data for sale in the EnLedger Data Marketplace, and how to list it for sale or earn rewards through one of our Cashback 4 Data Programs.

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