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Notary Toolset - Blockchain Notary

Notary Toolset

The EnergyChain Notary Toolset is a component of the Data Marketplace and the Cashback 4 Data Program. The notary toolset allows data to be entered into the Data Marketplace archives and then accessed, for a fee. EnergyChain is specially-built to allow very cheap data notary of energy, building performance, and appliance datasets, taking advantage of the fact that it is a private network with no "proof-of-work" mining, where data bloat can be controlled via custom smart-contract and on-chain logic implementations.

This page contains basic information on the process of blockchain data notary, including links to our demo notary and smart-contract tools for the Ethereum blockchain. We show how EnergyChain is cheaper and easier to use for blockchain notary, specifically for energy, building performance / appliance, and health data, because it is custom-built for that purpose. As opposed to the Ethereum blockchain, which is open to anyone, to use for any purpose, EnergyChain is a private network with no excessive energy-burn or competiting for token staking rewards. EnergyChain is built for business, and blockchain notary is one of it's main purposes.

Click Here to learn more about EnergyChain

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