Green Tech Articles

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Tomorrow's Power Grid Will Be Autonomous
Autonomous energy grids use AI, renewable energy, and energy storage to optimize the grid
Dec 02, 2020 by IEEE Spectrum
Green Tech News
New Energy Storage "Water Battery" Breakthrough: Look Ma, No Underground Powerhouse

Clean Power For all the excitement over the next big thing in lithium-ion batteries, the simple fact is that plain old water is the only large scale, long duration energy storage medium available today in the US and in many other parts of the world.

Aug 25, 2020 by Tina Casey
Green Tech News
How the humble chairlift could revolutionize renewable energy

What do you see when you imagine a zero-carbon future? Electric buses zipping by? Rolling hills covered with solar panels? Offshore wind farms towering over the sea? If batteries are part of your vision, good thinking. But there's a promising, if whimsical, piece of the renewable energy puzzle that might be missing from your mental picture: the world of gravity energy storage.

Nov 23, 2019 by Emily Pontecorvo
Green Tech News

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How Energy Storage's Growth Trajectory Differs From the Early Days of Solar
Green Tech Blogs · Dec 05, 2019 by Greentechmedia

DENVER - It's become a cliche to compare today's energy storage market to where the solar industry was a certain number of years ago. But storage's trajectory differs from the early growth dynamics of solar power in a crucial respect: It transcends the geographic boundaries, dictated by sunshine and policy, that constrained solar's rise.

tags: #energy-storage-summit #energy-storage-growth #solar-industry #geography
Is your smart meter spying on you?
Green Tech Blogs · Aug 23, 2019 by Patrick Collinson

They are the mini-computers being installed in 30m UK homes and businesses in an £11bn programme that will allow the energy companies to remotely monitor our gas and electricity usage. But could smart meters also become the new spies in our homes, raising fresh fears about a surveillance society as they track our daily activities?

tags: #energy-bills #consumer-rights #money #consumer-affairs #smart-meters #household-bills

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Crypto Miners in Georgia consume 10% of the Entire Nation's Power - The Daily Chain
Green Tech News · Dec 09, 2019 by Anna Larsen

The crypto mining industry is thriving lately with more and more nations joining the bandwagon. Just last month, Bitmain, the world's leading manufacturer of mining hardware, opened what is supposedly the world's largest crypto mining farm. The 33,000-acre facility holds a capacity of 300 MW in total.

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Infinite Green Tech Articles
Tomorrow's Power Grid Will Be Autonomous
Autonomous energy grids use AI, renewable energy, and energy storage to optimize the grid
Dec 02, 2020 by IEEE Spectrum
Green Tech News
New Energy Storage "Water Battery" Breakthrough: Look Ma, No Underground Powerhouse

Clean Power For all the excitement over the next big thing in lithium-ion batteries, the simple fact is that plain old water is the only large scale, long duration energy storage medium available today in the US and in many other parts of the world.

Aug 25, 2020 by Tina Casey
Green Tech News
How the humble chairlift could revolutionize renewable energy

What do you see when you imagine a zero-carbon future? Electric buses zipping by? Rolling hills covered with solar panels? Offshore wind farms towering over the sea? If batteries are part of your vision, good thinking. But there's a promising, if whimsical, piece of the renewable energy puzzle that might be missing from your mental picture: the world of gravity energy storage.

Nov 23, 2019 by Emily Pontecorvo
Green Tech News
Crypto Miners in Georgia consume 10% of the Entire Nation's Power - The Daily Chain

The crypto mining industry is thriving lately with more and more nations joining the bandwagon. Just last month, Bitmain, the world's leading manufacturer of mining hardware, opened what is supposedly the world's largest crypto mining farm. The 33,000-acre facility holds a capacity of 300 MW in total.

Dec 09, 2019 by Anna Larsen
Green Tech News
How Energy Storage's Growth Trajectory Differs From the Early Days of Solar

DENVER - It's become a cliche to compare today's energy storage market to where the solar industry was a certain number of years ago. But storage's trajectory differs from the early growth dynamics of solar power in a crucial respect: It transcends the geographic boundaries, dictated by sunshine and policy, that constrained solar's rise.

Dec 05, 2019 by Greentechmedia
Green Tech Blogs
Is your smart meter spying on you?

They are the mini-computers being installed in 30m UK homes and businesses in an £11bn programme that will allow the energy companies to remotely monitor our gas and electricity usage. But could smart meters also become the new spies in our homes, raising fresh fears about a surveillance society as they track our daily activities?

Aug 23, 2019 by Patrick Collinson
Green Tech Blogs
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